Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blog # 2 Music Video Analysis

1. blink-182 - First Date

2. It is presented somewhat realisticly with showing people in there 20's goofing around and having a good time, and somewhat not realistic with some of the stuff people do in the video, such as slapping somebody's butt before they go down a waterslide or squirting ketchup on people while they are on a waterslide but it shows how people just want to have fun.

3. Some stereotypes portrayed are people in there 20's goofing around, being destructive and having fun doing it, everyone from the 70's smoked pot and that girls tease guys often.

4. Some creeds and values show in the video is, people take life to serious and need to just have fun, girls are happier with guys, life is a party with no consequences, young people are crazy and that people from the 1970's are out of there mind.

5. This video would appeal to teenagers because there close to the age of people portrayed in the video, (besides the little kids) so the things they do teenagers find funny, how people are just not caring about work or school or anything like that, cause teenagers just want to do whatever they want and that's what's going on in the video, people doing what they want, when they want.

6. It is a great video, cause people can relate to is as people just want to have fun, and besides the song being good, the video is equally entertaining to watch because of all the funny stuff that goes on in it such as blink making the girl fall off her bike, or peeing on a go-kart track or being made fun of by girls, it's just funny to watch which to me makes it very entertaining.

Music Video (I tried to embed, it would'nt work):

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